Conservative values and Common Sense should be the consistency of our Nation
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read an account of yesterday’s Presidential Town Hall on Health Care. You might have heard of it. It was the one stacked with pro-Obama supporters and a couple of token “opposition” people sprinkled in to ask a couple of questions.
Anyway, in making his case for a public option to compete with the private insurance companies, Obama tried to make a comparison between the Health Insurance industry and another industry where there is a “public option”: Mail.
Let’s ignore the fact that the Post Office has a Constitutionally mandated role to deliver regular mail for a second (there’s no such mandate in the Health Care arena, in case you were wondering). The President’s point was that private companies like UPS and FedEx do quite well in this “competitive” market even with a government run player in the mix. In fact, the President adds, it is the Post Office that’s always having problems.
So this is the great plan for Health Care? A government run option that is going to provide sub-par coverage to people who can’t afford a higher quality insurance policy? How about those provisions FORCING people into this sub-par plan if they lose or switch jobs? When small businesses start dropping their private plans because of the penalties (the statists call those taxes) associated with using them, people are going to have to use this government run option which the President is implying will be sub-par or inefficient or “always having problems.”
Now, let’s actually look at this “competitive” market in the mail delivery business. The Post Office is the only entity allowed to deliver regular mail. For good reason, mind you. It would be a nightmare to have three or four mailboxes to drop off your mail, etc. But even with this 30 Billion / year advantage, the Post Office still operates at a loss (3 Billion last year) which WE have to cover with our taxes. In the parcel delivery area, the Post Office has lower rates, lower customer satisfaction ratings, and is STILL in business! That’s not a competitive market. It is artificially skewed to have premium providers like FedEx and UPS who can charge a little more for their service. Everyone else is forced to deal with a government run program “that’s always having problems”. AND everyone is forced to pay for that system via taxes since the Post Office gets an automatic bail out when they operate at a loss. With the Post Office, it’s only 3 Billion (in 2008), with a government run health care option, the CBO has said this shortfall would run in the hundreds of billions.
That’s not competition, my friends. That’s a government sanctioned oligopoly and despite the President’s claims yesterday that he doesn’t want single payer, we all know he does. We all know that every leading Democrat wants single payer. We all know that the core of Obama’s base wants single payer. We have the President, Barney Frank, and Jan Schakowsky on tape saying that the plan they’re trying to get through Congress will lead to single payer.
The end game is single payer. They want to ram through a bill that will lead the way to this end game and they’re LYING about it every single day.
Original Post here on the Liberal Heretic by RB August 12th 2009