*Montebello High School in California*
You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the New York Times, nor the lead story of the MSM networks. The protesters at Montebello High School took the American flag off the school's flag pole and hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag above it!
(*see the pictures below*)

I predict this stunt will put the nail in the coffin of any guest worker and amnesty plan on the table in WA DC ..The image of the American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on American soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail
Pass this along to everyone you know..through email and blogs and your state and federal representitives.
You must do these things to keep your nation intact!
We all need to fight or everything we have worked so hard for will be "redistributed" to and by the activists while you stay out of the "fray"and you will not recognize your nation when they are finished.
We do not want history to repeat itself in our nation. Every nation/empire that did not hold it's "core" beliefs and values has disappeared.
One person can make a difference! One plus one plus one plus one.......
The battle for secure borders and immigration law enforcement has really not even begun yet!
Lizbett - this California flag thing was first done in 2006... Here are recent posts about it. mjg